Cats are known for being independent, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t loving and affectionate. Some breeds are even known for their desire to be with their humans, follow them around, and snuggle up in their laps for some cuddles. Here are 24 of the most loving and affectionate cat breeds that will melt your heart.
Which breeds should be added to the list? Is your kitty affectionate? Let us know in the comments below!
most affectionate cat breeds
1. Devon Rex Cat
2. Sphynx Cat
3. Burmese Cat
4. Siamese Cat
5. American Curl Cat
6. Tonkinese Cat
7. Egyptian Mau Cat
8. Ragdoll Cat
9. Cornish Rex Cat
10. Birman Cat
11. Himalayan Cat
12. Selkirk Rex Cat
13. Ragamuffin Cat
14. Balinese Cat
15. Javanese Cat
16. Snowshoe Cat
17. Havana Brown Cat
18. LaPerm Cat
19. Siberian Cat
20. Singapura Cat
21. Russian Blue Cat
22. Somali Cat
23. Manx Cat
24. Scottish Fold Cat
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